Child Care Professional

We all know it’s best for kids when their parents and their caregiver are on the same page around behavior challenges. But does that mean as a caregiver you should loop the parents in on every issue that comes up during the day? As a professional provider, you have the know-how, tools and strategies to […]

Professionally responding to a parent’s complaint about your care can be a difficult task. As a child care provider, you love and care for the kids entrusted to you with all your heart and while you’re not perfect, you do your best. When a parent complains over what should be a non-issue or simply provides […]

Working in a private home is hard in certain ways. It’s your workplace but it’s also your employers’ home. That means they often have very specific ways they like certain things done. However, it’s hard for employers to tell their nanny to put grocery items in the fridge this way or fold the laundry that […]

Providing awesome child care is a caregiver’s number one job. Right below that is providing support to the parents. That’s what makes child care in the early years different from all others, how integral the parents and children are, they both need to be supported. At different points, every parent struggles with figuring out the […]

It’s important to know your caregiving philosophy, the why behind how you care for kids, for a lot of different reasons. One is to be able to talk about it with potential clients or employers during the interview so you can make sure you’re on the same page. While your caregiving philosophy and an parent’s […]