Child Care Professional

Feedback isn’t something most people enjoy getting because it often includes things the feedback provider feels we’re doing wrong and should correct. It’s human nature to avoid looking at our flaws when possible. However, feedback is critical to your success as the owner of a family care program or as an in-home professional. Understanding the […]

Like all communication, child care communication between a parent and caregiver can fall victim to intention vs. impact syndrome. While we love technology at Rayz Kidz and appreciate the power that it holds, we also know that digital communication lacks the cues that come from tone and body language. Imagine, you have great intention; you […]

When you work in your own home, it can seem like there’s no real off time. Sure, you have your care hours but often parents stay late talking or contact you in the evenings and on weekends with questions and concerns. You want to stay connected to them but it can get overwhelming. Here are […]

As a home-based child care professional, you have to “sell” parents on your program. It’s a big part of how you set your rate. Here are three key areas that are helpful to outline. 1. Your Mission Statement Mission statements aren’t just for companies. You can develop a mission statement that outlines your vision and […]

During the holiday season, schedules are in flux, and it’s easy for child care providers and parents to get out of sync around schedules and payments. Even when there’s verbal communication on a calendar change, it’s easy to quickly forget the details seconds later as your attention is pulled away to another task. The solution? […]

We often talk about how we want kids to take responsibility for their feelings and actions, however, we often model something very different, usually without even realizing it. Let’s look at how we easily fall into the trap of blaming others for our feelings and how we can stop. 1.  “You make me so…!”When a […]

Sometimes it’s hard to see things from a kid’s perspective and stay in the supportive role that’s needed for positive guidance. When we’re tired, stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, impatient, or whatever emotion is keeping us from being our best selves, we sometimes see a child’s challenging behavior as personal, on purpose, unjustified, or just over the […]

Setting and maintaining professional boundaries with the parents you work with is hard any time of the year but can be especially hard during the holidays. They often want schedule changes, ask for exceptions to payment policies, or push the limits in some other way. You want to help, you want to accommodate, however, you […]

There’s something special about the “in-home” caregiving environment. It’s not meant to be a substitute for a daycare or preschool. It’s meant to be a home where a trusted caregiver pays particular attention to a child’s learning and developmental needs. Here are just a few of the reasons why your workplace is so unique and […]

Burnout can be a struggle for caregivers throughout the year however, during the holiday season, it becomes a bigger challenge for many. We all know to take great care of the kids we love, we have to take good care of ourselves and that starts with keeping burnout at bay. Here are a few ways […]

Money is always a hard subject to talk about, and it can be especially challenging for caregivers. Often we feel we shouldn’t be focused on how much money we make when our job is focused on caring for and loving kids. That’s lopsided thinking. You can be both focused on your bottom line and be […]

For some parents, their childcare schedule never changes. They start and end care at the same time every day. For other parents, they may not need childcare for all the scheduled hours for a variety of reasons; Mom gets off work early, Grandma decides to take the kids to the park for the afternoon at […]