Explore the colors of the forest floor with green lentils, acorns, flowers, pine cones, and more. Forests are incredible ecosystems that are teeming with life. Even if you do not live close to a forest, we encourage you to recreate this very special habitat with foraged materials.
Set up Time: 5 minutes
- Go outside and collect natural loose parts like acorns, leaves, pine cones, rocks, and small sticks.
- Display them on a table or tray.
- Add green lentils or split peas and allow children to select which natural materials they want to use. Add small animals or toys.
- Play!

- Collected natural materials
- Dry beans
Safety Warning: Be mindful in choosing loose parts and the base for the sensory bin that are appropriate for the children in your care, avoiding choking risks for young children.
Learning Through Play
Language: Vocabulary – Going on excursions to collect loose parts is a great way to build children’s vocabulary. For young children, narrate by saying “Oh I see you are collecting acorns”, and with older children, invite them to make predictions about what they may find or where they may find it. For example, what treasures might we find under a pine tree? What about an oak tree?
Social-Emotional: Empowerment – When children find their own materials, it can feel quite special and validating. While adults might just see a stone or an acorn, children might see a beautiful treasure. By inviting them to help create the sensory bin, you are demonstrating that their interests are an important part of your learning environment.
School Readiness: Numeral Recognition – Naturally embed math objectives by adding numerals on small pieces of paper and inviting children to add the corresponding number of acorns, rocks, or pine cones.
See this activity in the Rayz Kidz app, along with the other fun pretend play activities. Rayz Kidz is your trusted source for play-based activities featuring over 100 themes and 500+ hands-on activities and clear descriptions of the beautiful learning that is happening through play.