Proprioception, the sense of your body awareness, is sometimes referred to as the sixth sense. It’s not one that is talked about often, yet, it’s incredibly important! The sense of proprioception tells a person how close their body is to objects, how to move their body and the strength they need to apply.
A child who has a proprioception dysfunction may push too hard while writing, play rough, stomp while walking, bang, bump into things, or have difficulty balancing. The dysfunction can often be hard to identify as it may appear as a lack of coordination or motor issues This dysfunction could lead to a child having difficulty playing sports, playing instruments, and writing.
The sense starts to be developed at a very young age and can be strengthened by activities that specifically stimulate the proprioception receptors. These receptors trigger key components of the brain that impact alertness, therefore by working the proprioception sense, it can help the child become more focused and attentive.
For more activities that encourage a child’s proprioception skill development, visit